Attend our Open Day!

Study Chiropractic
at BCC

Friday, January 17th, 2025, 3 pm

Friday, March 7th, 2025, 3 pm

Friday, April 25th, 2025, 3 pm


Wednesday, May 21st, 2025, 6 pm, Online

Register now

Join the BCC's Open Day

Take this opportunity to visit the Barcelona College of Chiropractic as a first step in your path to this amazing profession! At the Open Day you will:


  • Find out all you need to know about the programme of study and life in Barcelona.
  • Learn about chiropractic at the BCC.
  • Meet BCC's students, faculty and staff.
  • Find out about student clubs, seminars & activities.
  • Hear from BCC's graduates and how is student afterlife as professional.
  • Find all details to apply.

Meet BCC staff & students

You will know from first hand how is to study chiropractic at BCC, and, of course, the incredible student experience of living in Barcelona.

Adrian Wenban - BCC Principal

Adrian Wenban

Barcelona College of Chiropractic


Silvia Ranz

Vice Principal
Barcelona College of Chiropractic

Captura de pantalla 2022-06-14 a les 13.08.17

Natacha Verbist 

Director of Student Affairs
Barcelona College of Chiropractic